Your Order
When will orders ship?
All orders placed within normal business hours of Monday through Friday, 9 am - 5 pm central time will ship within 48 hours. Any order placed after normal business hours will ship within 72 hours.
How will orders be shipped?
All orders will ship via insured UPS ground service, which in most cases, will ensure your order arrives in 1-4 business days.
Where can we ship orders?
We can ship anywhere within the USA at this time. International ordering may arrive in the future, but orders are currently restricted to the USA.
Is free shipping available?
Yes, any order above $75 qualifies for free shipping.
Is tracking available for orders?
Yes! You should receive an email when your order ships with the UPS tracking number.
What happens if wrong items are included in your order, or items are missing?
We apologize for the error. Please call us at 847.259.1000, and we’ll get it corrected immediately.
Can an order be canceled?
Orders can be canceled any time up until the time of shipment. Once an order ships, orders cannot be canceled.
UPS tracking shows the order was delivered, but the package is missing?
Call us at 847.259.1000 right away, and we’ll open up a case with UPS.
Returns & Order Changes
Can orders be returned?
Unfortunately, due to the nature of skincare, any product that has been opened and/or has the seal broken, cannot be returned. Contact us right away at 847.648.1400 if you’d like to return a product that has not been opened and/or still has the seal intact. We will not process the refund/credit until we receive the product back and confirm the integrity of the packaging has not been compromised. Consumers will be required to pay for the return shipping.
A product arrived with damaged packaging, what are the options?
Contact us right away at 847.648.1400, and we will take care of it right away.
One of the products induced a skin reaction, what happens?
Contact us right away at 847.648.1400, and we’ll connect you with one of our healthcare professionals for further guidance. If you feel it’s a serious medical concern, you should go to the emergency room immediately.
Product Questions
Are your products safe for all ages?
The Slay Sleep Repeat line was designed with adolescent and teenage skin in mind. It will not hurt older skin, as well. In fact, many of our clients find that the line works very well for them well into adulthood.
How should I store my products?
It’s always best to store products in a cool dry place to best protect against bacterial contamination.
Is it safe to use your products while pregnant or breastfeeding?
The Fresh Start cleanser and Get Toned toner are okay to use, but we always recommend checking with your personal healthcare provider for confirmation when using any skincare product while pregnant or breastfeeding, because each patient is unique and different.
Do your products have expiration dates?
Zero Chances, Play All Day and Glow and Go all have expiration dates that will be clearly marked on the packaging. Other products do not expire, but it’s a good idea to use them within one year of opening the seal to prevent bacterial contamination.
Odds and Ends
Still have questions
Feel free to call or text us any time at 847.259.100, or you can send a text to 847.648.1400
You’re a social media influencer and you’d like to work with us?
Cool! Feel free to reach out to Karen at 312.890.5730 to learn more about forming a partnership with Slay Sleep Repeat.